Tuesday 1 July 2008


Welcome to my very first post in my brand new blog.

I have amazed how many people have said how great Metal Gear Solid 4 is. So good in fact, that I decided to get a PS3 when back from my hols with the game plus other games such as Unreal Tournament 3.

I have heard how great the story mode is and the brilliant online mode but I have seen people not happy about registering themselves twice! Why the heck would Konami set such a thing? Surely one registration is enough - joining the Playstation Network to play online gaming on all games!! However, this has not put me off getting it. I can bear this once but whoever came up with the idea should be shot. Remember the PS2 days of registering every time you buy a new game to play online on every game company servers around?? Let's not go back to those days.

I've been recently catching up with Rainbow Six Vegas 2 online for the 360 and got my rank up further to Sergeant Major. Hoping to grab a few more achievements soon but with things outside of gaming happening, will be at least Sunday when I fully be able to go online for more action.

That's all for the moment. More soon! :)


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!

Found your blog through the Nuneaton Xbox 360 Gamers Facebook group

And there was me thinking i was the only blogger in nuneaton ;-)