Tuesday 1 July 2008

PS3 Update 2.40

I thought I post another blog within minutes because of seeing details of the new firmware update for the PS3, 2.40.

I was amazed what is coming in this update, due out... TOMORROW!

What Sony unveiled for this update is that the most requested feature of all since PS3 launch, the in-game XMB (Xross Media-Bar) will appear. Here, you can access everything from the XMB outside of the game in a game. No more closing down a game you were making progress on to read a message from friends on your friends list. You can also change settings so if you fancy an online match but had to keep quitting to sort your bluetooth headset out, no need!

Also revealed for the update is the much talked about Trophies Collection. This is like the Xbox Live's achievements feature but instead of getting achievements and a gamerscore, the Trophies Collection gives the gamers trophies to show their reputation to other gamers on how they play the games, compare trophies to gamers and receive trophies in 4 types - Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

Another feature is the background music. You can now listen to your own music with your games. However, I seen reports that no game out will be compatible with this as it launches tomorrow.

What I am really happy about is Sony decided to expand the friends list from 50 to 100. I can now add more people. :D

Send your comments about this new update. I can't wait to grab the PS3 now and update it to the new firmware!